Push Notifications
Push Notifications provide a way to deliver some information to users while they are not using your app actively. The following use cases can be covered additionally with push notifications:
- send a chat message when a recipient is offline (a push notification will be initiated automatically in this case)
- make a video call with offline opponents (need to send a push notification manually)
In order to start work with push notifications you need to configure it for all required platforms.
iOS and macOS
First of all you need to generate Apple push certificate (*.p12 file) and upload it to ConnectyCube dashboard. Here is a guide on how to do it https://developers.connectycube.com/ios/how-to-create-apns-certificate
Then you need to open Xcode project of your Flutter app and enable Push Notifications capabilities. Open Xcode, choose your project file, Signing & Capabilities tab and then add a Push Notifications capability. Also - tick a ‘Remote notifications’ checkbox in Background Modes section.
Android and Web
Configure Firebase project and Service account key (recommended)
In order to start working with push notifications functionality you need to configure it.
Create and configure your Firebase project and obtain the Service account key. If you have any difficulties with Firebase project registration, follow our guide.
To find your FCM service account key go to your Firebase console > Cloud Messaging > Manage Service Accounts section:
Select and configure Manage Keys option:
Select ADD KEY, Create new key:
Select Key type (json recommended) and create:
Save it locally:
Browse your saved FCM Service account key in your Dashboard > Your App > Push Notifications > Credentials, select the environment for which you are adding the key. Use the same key for development and production zones.
Copy Sender ID value from your Firebase console Cloud Messaging section. You may require it later.
In order to use push notifications on Android, you need to create
file and copy it into project’sandroid/app
folder. Also, you need to update theapplicationId
to the one which is specified ingoogle-services.json
, so they must match. If you have no existing API project yet, the easiest way to go about in creating one is using this step-by-step installation process
Configure Firebase project and Server key (DEPRECATED)
Create and configure your Firebase project and obtain the Server key. If you have any difficulties with Firebase project registration, follow our guide.
To find your FCM server key go to your Firebase console > Cloud Messaging section:
Copy your FCM server key to your Dashboard > Your App > Push Notifications > Credentials, select the environment for which you are adding the key and hit Save key. Use the same key for development and production zones.
Copy Sender ID value from your Firebase console Cloud Messaging section. You may require it later.
In order to use push notifications on Android, you need to create
file and copy it into project’sandroid/app
folder. Also, you need to update theapplicationId
to the one which is specified ingoogle-services.json
, so they must match. If you have no existing API project yet, the easiest way to go about in creating one is using this step-by-step installation process
Config firebase_messaging
Note: Below provided the short guide for configuring the
. For more details and specific platform configs please follow the FlutterFire official documentation.
There is firebase_messaging plugin’s official repo.
Add dependency
Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml
dependencies: ... firebase_core: ^x.x.x firebase_messaging: ^x.x.x ...
Install it
You can install packages from the command line:
flutter pub get
Add classpath for goggle services plugin
Add classpath to your build.gradle
file by path android/build.gradle
buildscript { ... }
dependencies { ... classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.3.3' }}
Apply Google Services plugin
Add at bottom of android/app/build.gradle
next line:
apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'
Add required files from Firebase development console
- add
to Android project; - add
to iOS project;
Add imports
import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';import 'package:firebase_messaging/firebase_messaging.dart';
Init and configure plugin in your app
void init() { Firebase.initializeApp(); FirebaseMessaging firebaseMessaging = FirebaseMessaging.instance;
// request permissions for showing notification in iOS firebaseMessaging.requestPermission(alert: true, badge: true, sound: true);
// add listener for foreground push notifications FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((remoteMessage) { log('[onMessage] message: $remoteMessage'); showNotification(remoteMessage); });
// set listener for push notifications, which will be received when app in background or killed FirebaseMessaging.onBackgroundMessage(onBackgroundMessage);}
Automatic config using FlutterFire CLI
There is alternative way for configuring the FCM in your Flutter project. It is the FlutterFire CLI. Using this tool you can configure FCM in automatic mode. Just follow the guide on how to generate and use the configuration file.
FCM on the iOS/macOS
The Firebase provides the possibility of using FCM push notifications on the iOS and macOS platforms. The configuration of the Flutter project is easy and you can do it in a few simple steps by following the official FlutterFire documentation. The main steps include:
- Configuring your app;
- Enable Push Notifications (in the same way as for APNS);
- Enable Background Modes (iOS only) (in the same way as for APNS);
- Linking APNs with FCM;
After that you can use the FCM push notifications on the iOS/macOS in the same way as the Android/Web. It means that you should use the FCM configuration for making the subscription on the iOS/macOS, namely:
CreateSubscriptionParameters parameters = CreateSubscriptionParameters();parameters.channel = NotificationsChannels.GCM;parameters.platform = CubePlatform.ANDROID;
FirebaseMessaging firebaseMessaging = FirebaseMessaging.instance;var token = await firebaseMessaging.getToken();parameters.pushToken = token;
// and other required parameters for subscription on the push notifications
In order to start receiving push notifications you need to subscribe your current device.
First of all you have to get token
FirebaseMessaging firebaseMessaging = FirebaseMessaging.instance;String token;if (Platform.isAndroid || kIsWeb) { token = await firebaseMessaging.getToken();} else if (Platform.isIOS || Platform.isMacOS) { token = await firebaseMessaging.getAPNSToken();}
if (!isEmpty(token)) { subscribe(token);}
firebaseMessaging.onTokenRefresh.listen((newToken) { subscribe(newToken);});
Then you can subscribe for push notifications using token
subscribe(String token) async { log('[subscribe] token: $token');
bool isProduction = bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product');
CreateSubscriptionParameters parameters = CreateSubscriptionParameters(); parameters.environment = isProduction ? CubeEnvironment.PRODUCTION : CubeEnvironment.DEVELOPMENT;
if (Platform.isAndroid) { parameters.channel = NotificationsChannels.GCM; parameters.platform = CubePlatform.ANDROID; parameters.bundleIdentifier = "com.connectycube.flutter.chat_sample"; } else if (Platform.isIOS) { parameters.channel = NotificationsChannels.APNS; parameters.platform = CubePlatform.IOS; parameters.bundleIdentifier = Platform.isIOS ? "com.connectycube.flutter.chatSample.app" : "com.connectycube.flutter.chatSample.macOS"; }
String deviceId = await DeviceId.getID; parameters.udid = deviceId; parameters.pushToken = token;
createSubscription(parameters.getRequestParameters()) .then((cubeSubscription) {}) .catchError((error) {});}
Send push notifications
You can manually initiate a push notification to user/users on any event in your application. To do so you need to form a push notification parameters (payload) and set the push recipients:
bool isProduction = bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product');
CreateEventParams params = CreateEventParams();params.parameters = { 'message': "Some message in push", // 'message' field is required 'custom_parameter1': "custom parameter value 1", 'custom_parameter2': "custom parameter value 2", 'ios_voip': 1 // to send VoIP push notification to iOS //more standard parameters you can found by link https://developers.connectycube.com/server/push_notifications#universal-push-notifications};
params.notificationType = NotificationType.PUSH;params.environment = isProduction ? CubeEnvironment.PRODUCTION : CubeEnvironment.DEVELOPMENT;params.usersIds = [88707, 88708];
createEvent(params.getEventForRequest()) .then((cubeEvent) {}) .catchError((error) {});
Receive push notifications
Depending on a devices state, incoming messages are handled differently. They will receive in one of registered callbacks which you set during initialisation plugin according to documentation.
FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((RemoteMessage message) { log('[onMessage] message: $message', TAG); showNotification(message);});
Future<void> onBackgroundMessage(RemoteMessage message) { log('[onBackgroundMessage] message: $message'); showNotification(message); return Future.value();}
Here you can add an appropriate logic in your app. The things can be one of the following:
- If this is a chat message, once clicked on it - we can redirect a user to an appropriate chat by dialog_id data param
- Raise a local notification https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_local_notifications with an alternative info to show for a user
In order to unsubscribe and stop receiving push notifications you need to list your current subscriptions and then choose those to be deleted:
getSubscriptions() .then((subscriptionsList) { int subscriptionIdToDelete = subscriptionsList[0].id; // or other subscription's id return deleteSubscription(subscriptionIdToDelete); }) .then((voidResult) {}) .catchError((error) {});
VoIP push notifications
ConnectyCube supports iOS VoIP push notifications via same API described above. The main use case for iOS VoIP push notifications is to show a native calling interface on incoming call when an app is in killed/background state - via CallKit.
The common flow of using VoIP push notifications is the following:
- for VoIP pushes it requires to generate a separated VoIP device token. The Flutter platform has a lot of plugins for getting the VoIP token from the system. There are:
Wi will use our own development connectycube_flutter_call_kit in examples below.
So, get the VoIP token:
var token = await ConnectycubeFlutterCallKit.getToken();
- then when token is retrieved, you need to subscribe to voip pushes by passing
notification_channel: apns_voip
channel in a subscription request:
var token = await ConnectycubeFlutterCallKit.getToken();
subscribe(String token) async { CreateSubscriptionParameters parameters = CreateSubscriptionParameters(); parameters.pushToken = token;
bool isProduction = kReleaseMode ? CubeEnvironment.PRODUCTION : CubeEnvironment.DEVELOPMENT;
if (Platform.isIOS) { parameters.channel = NotificationsChannels.APNS_VOIP; parameters.platform = CubePlatform.IOS; }
String? deviceId = await PlatformDeviceId.getDeviceId; parameters.udid = deviceId;
var packageInfo = await PackageInfo.fromPlatform(); parameters.bundleIdentifier = packageInfo.packageName;
createSubscription(parameters.getRequestParameters()) .then((cubeSubscriptions) { log('[subscribe] subscription SUCCESS', TAG); }).catchError((error) { log('[subscribe] subscription ERROR: $error', TAG); });}
- then when you want to send a voip push notification, use
ios_voip: 1
parameter in a push payload in a create event request:
P2PSession callSession; // the call session created before
CreateEventParams params = CreateEventParams();params.parameters = { 'message': "Incoming ${callSession.callType == CallType.VIDEO_CALL ? "Video" : "Audio"} call", 'call_type': callSession.callType, 'session_id': callSession.sessionId, 'caller_id': callSession.callerId, 'caller_name': callerName, 'call_opponents': callSession.opponentsIds.join(','), 'signal_type': 'startCall', 'ios_voip': 1,};
params.notificationType = NotificationType.PUSH;params.environment = kReleaseMode ? CubeEnvironment.PRODUCTION : CubeEnvironment.DEVELOPMENT;params.usersIds = callSession.opponentsIds.toList();
createEvent(params.getEventForRequest()).then((cubeEvent) { // event was created}).catchError((error) { // something went wrong during event creation});