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NativeScript Getting Started

NativeScript is an Open source framework for building truly native mobile apps for iOS & Android with JavaScript.

ConnectyCube NativeScript SDK is ready to start developing apps – chat, video chat, user authorization, file attachments, push notifications and many more. No server side implementation required. You can concentrate fully on your mobile app development.

This page provides a quick overview of the SDK’s functionalities and logic, then let you go through the easy steps of implementing ConnectyCube in your own React Native app.

Create ConnectyCube app

Register a FREE ConnectyCube account at, then create your 1st app and obtain an app credentials. These credentials will be used to identify your app.

All users within the same ConnectyCube app can communicate by chat or video chat with each other, across all platforms - iOS, Android, Web, etc.

When building a new app

If you are just starting your app and developing it from scratch, we recommend to use our Code Samples projects.

Download Code Samples

These code samples are ready-to-go apps with an appropriate functionality and simple enough that even novice developers will be able to understand them.

When integrating SDK into existing app

If you already have an app, do the following for integration:

Connect SDK

Install the package:

Terminal window
npm install nativescript-connectycube --save

and you’re ready to go:

const ConnectyCube = require("connectycube");


Initialize framework with your ConnectyCube application credentials. You can access your application credentials in ConnectyCube Dashboard:

appId: 21,
authKey: "hhf87hfushuiwef",
authSecret: "jjsdf898hfsdfk"
Initialize with existing token

It can be a scenario when you might want to create a ConnectyCube session token outside of the app code, e.g. to incorporate this logic at your custom backend server.

In this case, there is a way to initialize SDK by existing ConnectyCube session token:

appId: 21,
token: "5a7bc95d85c0eb2bf052be3d29d3df523081e80y",

Also, there can be another use case when a developer wants to preserve the session between browser page refreshes.

In this case, a session can be stored to e.g. local storage and then can be restored and passed to SDK, so you do not need to re-create a new one if the session is still valid:

const storedSession = localStorage.getItem("ConnectyCube:session");
const session = JSON.parse(storedSession);


An additional set of configs can be passed as a 2nd argument in init function:

const CONFIG = {
debug: { mode: 1 } // enable DEBUG mode (mode 0 is logs off, mode 1 -> console.log())
ConnectyCube.init(CREDENTIALS, CONFIG);

Integrate chat and voice/video calling

Follow the API guides on how to integrate chat and calling features into your app:

SDK Changelog

The complete SDK changelog is available on ConnectyCube JavasScript Releases GitHub page