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Push notifications API

Push notifications are a communication channel built into every mobile device sold today. Push notifications allow apps to reach out to users with short messages that users may respond to. Users don’t have to be in the app or using their devices to receive them.

ConnectyCube provides an API to subscribe users for push notifications and to initiate push events.

To send a notification on user’s device, the following actions should be initially completed:

On receiver’s side:

  1. Create session with a user
  2. Subscribe user on push notifications

On sender’s side:

  1. Create session with a user
  2. Create event

Create subscription

ParameterRequired for channelDescription
notification_channelallDeclare which notification channels could be used to notify user about events:
  • apns
  • apns_voip
  • gcm
  • web
  • push_token[environment]allDetermines application environments. It allows conveniently separate development and production environments. Allowed values:
  • development
  • production
  • push_token[bundle_identifier]optionalA unique identifier for client’s application. In iOS, this is the Bundle Identifier. In Android - package id
    push_token[client_identification_sequence]gcm, apns, apns_voipIdentifies client device in 3-rd party service like APNS, GCM/FCM. Initially retrieved from 3-rd service and should be send to ConnectyCube to let it send push notifications to the client
    push_token[web_endpoint]webendpoint param in 3-rd party service like web client subscribe.
    push_token[web_auth]webkeys.auth param in 3-rd party service like web client subscribe.
    push_token[web_p256dh]webkeys.p256dh param in 3-rd party service like web client subscribe.
    device[platform]allPlatform of device, which is the source of application running. Allowed values:
  • ios
  • android
  • web
  • device[udid]allUDID (Unique Device identifier) of device, which is the source of application running. This must be any sequence which uniquely identifies a particular device. This is needed to support schema: 1 User - Multiple devices
    Request example
    Terminal window
    curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "CB-Token: <TOKEN>" \
    -d '{"notification_channel": "apns", "push_token": {"environment": "development", "client_identification_sequence": "98559c1f3028b3fa0ec811d058cef16be27fe2fc507ca243b3d4fab006bfc9b8"}, "device": {"platform": "ios", "udid": "BFE36393-24E4-7689-AF85-428F4A5F2ED9"}}' \
    "subscription": {
    "id": 50,
    "notification_channel": {
    "name": "apns"
    "device": {
    "udid": "BFE36393-24E4-7689-AF85-428F4A5F2ED9",
    "platform": {
    "name": "ios"

    Retrieve subscriptions

    Retrieve subscriptions for current user.

    Request example
    Terminal window
    curl -X GET \
    -H "CB-Token: <TOKEN>" \
    "subscription": {
    "id": 55,
    "notification_channel": {
    "name": "apns"
    "device": {
    "udid": "7618C089-4C28-5214-6H3C-763AC0CA79FW",
    "platform": {
    "name": "ios"
    "subscription": {
    "id": 56,
    "notification_channel": {
    "name": "apns"
    "device": {
    "udid": "7618C089-4C28-5214-6H3C-763AC0CA79FW",
    "platform": {
    "name": "ios"

    Remove subscription

    Remove a subscription by its identifier.

    Request example
    Terminal window
    curl -X DELETE \
    -H "CB-Token: <TOKEN> "\
    200 OK

    Create event

    Create event to initiate a push notification delivery.

    event[notification_type]yesenumType of notification. Allowed values:
  • push
  • event[push_type]yesenumUsed only if notification_type == push, ignored in other cases.
  • If not present - Notification will be delivered to all possible devices for specified users. Each platform has their own standard format.
  • If specified - Notification will be delivered to the specified platform only.
  • Allowed values:
  • apns
  • apns_voip
  • gcm
  • event[environment]yesenumAn environment of the notification. Allowed values:
  • development
  • production
  • event[event_type]noenumAllowed values:
  • one_shot - to send immediately
  • event[message]yes
  • event[push_type] not present - should be Base64 encoded text.
  • event[push_type] specified - should be formatted as described in Payload formation rules
  • Push notification payload
    event[user][ids]optional*stringUsers who will receive push notifications. Several IDs comma separated can be specified
    event[external_user][ids]optional*stringSend push notifications to users specifying their external IDs. Several external IDs comma separated can be specified
    event[user][tags][any]optional*stringSend push notifications to users specifying their tag(s). Recipients must have at least one tag specified in the list of tags
    event[user][tags][all]optional*stringSend push notifications to users specifying their tag(s). Recipients must have all tags specified in list of tags
    event[user][tags][exclude]optional*stringSend push notifications to users who do not have the specified tags

    ** Only one of these parameters is required.*

    Request example
    Terminal window
    curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "CB-Token: <TOKEN>" \
    -d '{"event": {"notification_type": "push", "environment": "development", "user": { "ids": "271"}, "message": "payload=ew0KICAgICJhcHMiIDogew0KICAgICAgICAiYWxlcnQiIDogew0KICAgICAgICAgICAgInRpdGxlIiA6ICJHYW1lIFJlcXVlc3QiLA0KICAgICAgICAgICAgImJvZHkiIDogIkJvYiB3YW50cyB0byBwbGF5IHBva2VyIg0KICAgICAgICB9LA0KICAgICAgICAiYmFkZ2UiIDogNQ0KICAgIH0sDQogICAgImFjbWUxIiA6ICJiYXIiDQp9", "push_type": "apns"}}' \
    "event": {
    "id": 8429,
    "event_type": "one_shot",
    "date": null,
    "period": null,
    "name": null,
    "occured_count": 0,
    "created_at": "2018-12-06T11:31:23Z",
    "updated_at": "2018-12-06T11:31:23Z",
    "end_date": null,
    "active": true,
    "application_id": 1,
    "user_id": 271,
    "kind": "API",
    "environment": "development",
    "tag_query": null,
    "notification_channel": {
    "name": "apns"

    Payload formation rules

    Universal Push Notifications

    Universal push notifications will be delivered to all platforms. To send Universal push notification do not set event[push_type] parameter in the ‘Create event’ request.

    There are some standard parameters, which will be translated to particular platform parameters:

    • message - push text. Will be translated to aps.alert.body for iOS and to data.message for Android
    • ios_badge - will be translated to aps.badge for iOS. Ignored for Android
    • ios_sound - will be translated to aps.sound for iOS. Ignored for Android
    • ios_content_available=1 - will be translated to aps.content-available for iOS. Ignored for Android
    • ios_mutable_content=1 - will be translated to aps.mutable-content for iOS. Ignored for Android
    • ios_category - will be translated to aps.category for iOS. Ignored for Android
    • ios_voip=1 - will initiate VoIP push notification for iOS if user has VoIP push subscription. Otherwise - iOS user will receive standard iOS push. For Android - it will be a standard push.
    • ios_push_type - will be translated to apns-push-type header for iOS. Allowed values (alert, background), default alert. Ignored for Android
    • ios_thread_id - will be translated to aps.thread-id for iOS. Ignored for Android
    • expiration - A UNIX epoch date expressed in seconds (UTC). This value identifies the date when the notification is no longer valid and can be discarded. In short, the value should equal ‘current timestamp’ + ‘ttl offset, in seconds’. Will be translated to apns-expiration for iOS and time-to-live or ttl for Android FCM
    • android_fcm_notification - will be translated to ‘notification.*’ param on Android. Ignored for iOS. Available fields
    • ios_loc_data - object with notification localization settings for iOS. Ignored for Android
      Object example:
    "title_loc_key": "GREETING_NOTIFICATION",
    "title_loc_args": ["smith"],
    "body_loc_key": "CUBE_NOTIFICATION",
    "body_loc_args": ["hi there", "guest"]

    title_loc_key - will be translated to aps.alert.title-loc-key
    title_loc_args - will be translated to aps.alert.title-loc-args
    body_loc_key - will be translated to aps.alert.loc-key
    body_loc_args - will be translated to aps.alert.loc-args
    None of these parameters are required

    Other custom parameters can be used as well according to specific platform push format.


    1. Initial JSON message:
    "message": "Walking in a flowers garden",
    "ios_badge": 2,
    "ios_sound": "lounge.wav",
    "friend_id": 51,
    "ios_loc_data": {
    "title_loc_key": "GREETING_NOTIFICATION",
    "title_loc_args": ["Tom Silencer"],
    1. Base64-encoded:
    1. Final message: