ConnectyCube Streaming API is built on top of WebRTC protocol and based on top of WebRTC SFU architecture.
Max people per Conference call is 12.
Streaming API is available starting from Advanced plan.
Features supported
- Streaming/listening video/audio
- Join-Rejoin stream functionality
- Guest rooms
- Mute/Unmute audio/video stream
- Display bitrate
- Switch video input device (camera)
Code samples
To be announced later. Please contact us if you have any requirements.
Streaming API is based on top of regular Multiparty Video Conferencing API , so it’s good to learn its API as well.
Connect SDK
For using Streaming feature you should add a dependency (only for V1):
SDK v1 kotlin (deprecated)
implementation "com.connectycube:connectycube-android-sdk-videochat-conference:$sdkVersion"
Streaming sessions
There are two sessions for handling streaming
process in a easy way:
ConferenceStreamingSession - is a session within certain video room, managing the streaming current processes.
ConferenceWatchingSession - is a session within certain video room, managing the watching current stream processes.
Common Callbacks
In order to have an ability to receive callbacks about current session
instance state and conference events, you should implement appropriate interfaces:
Implement RTCSessionStateCallback
for tracking connection state:
// Coming soon
val sessionStateCallback = object: RTCSessionStateCallback<ConferenceStreamBaseSession> { /** * Called when session state is changed */ override fun onStateChanged(session: ConferenceStreamBaseSession, state: BaseSession.RTCSessionState) {}
/** * Called in case when opponent disconnected */ override fun onDisconnectedFromUser(session: ConferenceStreamBaseSession, userID: Int) {}
/** * Called in case when connection with opponent is established */ override fun onConnectedToUser(session: ConferenceStreamBaseSession, userID: Int) {}
/** * Called in case when connection closed with certain user. */ override fun onConnectionClosedForUser(session: ConferenceStreamBaseSession, userID: Int) {}
RTCSessionStateCallback sessionStateCallback = new RTCSessionStateCallback<ConferenceStreamBaseSession>(){ /** * Called when session state is changed */ void onStateChanged(ConferenceStreamBaseSession session, BaseSession.RTCSessionState state);
/** * Called in case when connection with opponent is established */ void onConnectedToUser(ConferenceStreamBaseSession session, Integer userID);
/** * Called in case when opponent disconnected */ void onDisconnectedFromUser(ConferenceStreamBaseSession session, Integer userID);
/** * Called in case when connection closed with certain user. */ void onConnectionClosedForUser(ConferenceStreamBaseSession session, Integer userID);}
Implement ConferenceStateListener
for tracking conference events:
// Coming soon
var stateListener: ConferenceStateListener<ConferenceStreamBaseSession> = object : ConferenceStateListener<ConferenceBaseSession> { override fun onSlowLinkReceived(uplink: Boolean, nacks: Int) {}
override fun onError(e: WsException) {}
override fun onSessionClosed(conferenceBaseSession: ConferenceStreamBaseSession) {}
ConferenceStateListener<ConferenceStreamBaseSession> stateListener = new ConferenceStateListener<ConferenceStreamBaseSession>() { @Override public void onSlowLinkReceived(boolean uplink, int nacks) {} @Override public void onError(WsException e) { // e.g. handling exception for watchSession if (ex.getCause() != null && ConferenceWatchingSession.SUBSCRIBE_ERROR_CAUSE_NO_STREAM.equals(ex.getCause().getMessage())) { watchSession.stopWatching(); } } @Override public void onSessionClosed(ConferenceStreamBaseSession conferenceBaseSession) {}};
Video and Audio tracks
For obtaining video and audio tracks implement interface RTCClientVideoTracksCallback<ConferenceStreamBaseSession>
and RTCClientAudioTracksCallback<ConferenceStreamBaseSession>
For setting video track for ConferenceSession - the ConferenceStreamSurfaceView
class is provided.
instance is a client model responsible for managing conference streaming session.
// Coming soon
val streamSession = ConferenceStreamClient.getInstance(context).createStreamSession(currentUser.getId(), RTCTypes.ConferenceType.CONFERENCE_TYPE_VIDEO)
ConferenceStreamingSession streamSession = ConferenceStreamClient.getInstance(context).createStreamSession(currentUser.getId(), RTCTypes.ConferenceType.CONFERENCE_TYPE_VIDEO);
// Coming soon
var streamingListener: ConferenceStreamingSession.ConferenceStreamingListener = object : ConferenceStreamingSession.ConferenceStreamingListener { override fun onStartStreaming() {}
override fun onStopStreaming() {}
override fun onWatcherReceived(userId: Int) {}
override fun onWatcherLeft(userId: Int) {}
}streamSession.addEventListener(streamingListener);// streamSession.removeEventListener(streamingListener);
ConferenceStreamingSession.ConferenceStreamingListener streamingListener = new ConferenceStreamingSession.ConferenceStreamingListener() { @Override public void onStartStreaming() { //your video/audio is successfully streaming } @Override public void onStopStreaming() { //your video/audio has stopped } @Override public void onWatcherReceived(Integer userId) { //some user has connected to your stream } @Override public void onWatcherLeft(Integer userId) { //some user has disconnected from your stream }};
streamSession.addEventListener(streamingListener);// streamSession.removeEventListener(streamingListener);
Start and stop streaming
// Coming soon
// Coming soon
val watchingSession = ConferenceStreamClient.getInstance(context).createWatchingSession(currentUser.getId())
ConferenceWatchingSession watchingSession = ConferenceStreamClient.getInstance(context).createWatchingSession(currentUser.getId());
// Coming soon
val watchingListener: ConferenceWatchingSession.ConferenceWatchingListener = object : ConferenceWatchingSession.ConferenceWatchingListener { override fun onStartWatching() {}
override fun onStopWatching() {}
override fun onPublishersReceived(userIds: ArrayList<Int>) {}
override fun onPublisherLeft(userId: Int) {}
}watchingSession.addEventListener(watchingListener);// watchingSession.removeEventListener(watchingListener);
ConferenceWatchingSession.ConferenceWatchingListener watchingListener = new ConferenceWatchingSession.ConferenceWatchingListener() { @Override public void onStartWatching() { //your user successfully has become a watcher of the broadcasting stream } @Override public void onStopWatching() { //your user stopped watching the broadcasting stream } @Override public void onPublishersReceived(ArrayList<Integer> userIds) { //while you are watching some stream, or ready to, you can get some streaming user, and (if you want) subscribe to it //watchingSession.subscribeToPublisher(userIds(0)); } @Override public void onPublisherLeft(Integer userId) { //your streaming user has left watchingSession.stopWatching(); }}; watchingSession.addEventListener(watchingListener);// watchingSession.removeEventListener(watchingListener);
Start and stop watching
// Coming soon