Here we explain how to run origin Conference Video calling code sample for browser on Cordova/PhoneGap environment
Complete Conference Video calling API integration guide for Web/Javascript and Hybrid apps is here
Integration details
Make sure you have the latest Cordova installed:
The output will be something like this:
If Cordova is not installed - run the following command:
Create Cordova app:
cordova create sample-videochat-conf-cordova com.sample.videochat.conf SampleVideoChatConfCordova
You can use the Create your first Cordova app guide to get more info how to create your 1st Cordova app.
Change directory to newly created Cordova app:
cd sample-videochat-conf-cordova
Add platforms:
cordova platform add ios --save && cordova platform add android --save
Install cordova-plugin-device plugin :
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
Install cordova-custom-config plugin
cordova plugin add cordova-custom-config
Install cordova-plugin-statusbar plugin
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-statusbar
Then add the following lines into config.xml (for iOS 10+):
< custom-config-file parent = " NSCameraUsageDescription " platform = " ios " target = " *-Info.plist " >
< string > Access to camera to make video calls. </ string >
< custom-config-file parent = " NSMicrophoneUsageDescription " platform = " ios " target = " *-Info.plist " >
< string > Access to microphone to make calls. </ string >
And the following for Android:
< platform name = " android " >
< custom-preference name = " android-minSdkVersion " value = " 21 " />
< custom-preference name = " android-targetSdkVersion " value = " 28 " />
< custom-config-file parent = " /* " target = " AndroidManifest.xml " >
< uses-permission android:name = " android.webkit.PermissionRequest " />
< uses-permission android:name = " android.permission.INTERNET " />
< uses-permission android:name = " android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO " />
< uses-permission android:name = " android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS " />
< uses-permission android:name = " android.permission.CAMERA " />
< uses-feature android:name = " " />
< uses-feature android:name = " " />
Also, don’t forget to put the xmlns:android=""
attribute in the root widget
More info on Android permissions .
Install cordova-plugin-android-permissions plugin
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-android-permissions
move to WKWebView for iOS
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine
Then to setup the required permissions:
< feature name = " CDVWKWebViewEngine " >
< param name = " ios-package " value = " CDVWKWebViewEngine " />
< preference name = " CordovaWebViewEngine " value = " CDVWKWebViewEngine " />
< preference name = " WKWebViewOnly " value = " true " />
More info on permissions
Install cordova-plugin-iosrtc plugin to make video calling work at iOS:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-iosrtc
Then follow all the steps from the Building Steps guide to connect the plugin in a right way.
!> You need to use at least 6.0.12 version of the lib, otherwise calls will not work
Install iOS Deployment Tools if you want to launch iOS app on iOS device.
Take sources from to your connectycube-cordova-samples/sample-videochat-conf-cordova app:
clone connectycube-web-samples repository;
navigate to the connectycube-web-samples/videochat-conf and run npm install && npm run build
to prepare dist ;
copy dist ’s content to the connectycube-cordova-samples/sample-videochat-conf-cordova/www folder of your Cordova app
Create and add index.js file into www folder:
const loadScript = path => {
let $script = document . createElement ( " script " ) ;
$script . type = " text/javascript " ;
document . body . appendChild ( $script ) ;
const onDeviceReady = () => {
if ( window . device . platform === " Android " ) {
const { permissions } = cordova . plugins ;
permissions . requestPermissions ([ permissions . CAMERA , permissions . RECORD_AUDIO , permissions . MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS ]) ;
if ( window . device . platform === " iOS " ) {
const { iosrtc } = cordova . plugins ;
// Connect 'iosrtc' plugin, only for iOS devices
iosrtc . registerGlobals () ;
// Use speaker audio output
iosrtc . selectAudioOutput ( " speaker " ) ;
// Request audio and/or camera permission if not requested yet
iosrtc . requestPermission ( true , true , function ( permissionApproved ) {
console . log ( " requestPermission status: " , permissionApproved ? " Approved " : " Rejected " ) ;
window . addEventListener ( " orientationchange " , () => iosrtc . refreshVideos ()) ;
window . addEventListener ( " scroll " , () => iosrtc . refreshVideos ()) ;
document . addEventListener ( " deviceready " , onDeviceReady , false );
Change <meta name="viewport" content="..." />
and connect cordova.js
, index.js
scripts instead of main.js
at your index.html
< meta name = " viewport " content = " initial-scale=1, width=device-width, viewport-fit=cover " />
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " cordova.js " ></ script >
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " index.js " ></ script >
Also, change all resources absolute paths to relative, e.g. <link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/index.css" />
to <link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/index.css" />
Finally, use the following commands to run the sample:
cordova run ios --device # for run on device
cordova emulate ios # for run on emulator
cordova run android --device # for run on device
cordova emulate android # for run on emulator
The complete sample source code is available at GitHub repository
The following tools will help you debug your Cordova application:
Can’t build yourself?
Got troubles with building Cordova code sample? Just create an issue at Issues page - we will create the sample for you. For FREE!