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Meetings API

Meetings API allows to schedule conference call with attendees.

A meeting can have a chat dialog associated with it.

A meeting call can be recorded on server and then a file can be downloaded via Web Admin panel.

Meeting model

_idMeeting identifier
nameMeeting name
start_dateDate and time when meeting starts
end_dateDate and time when meeting ends
attendeesUsers who will be in meeting
recordWhether a meeting should be recorded
chat_dialog_idMeeting chat identifier
host_idMeeting creator user id
created_atMeeting created date
updated_atMeeting updated date
publicIndicate meeting public or not
scheduledIndicate meeting scheduled or not
notifySend notification after meeting is created
notify_beforeTiming before meeting start to send notification
timezoneMeeting timezone settings

Create meeting

ParameterRequiredDescriptionData typeValue example
nameYesMeeting nameString”Friday weekly sync”
start_dateYesDate when meeting startsTimestamp1613729948
end_dateYesDate when meeting endsTimestamp1613829948
attendeesYesArray of meeting participants. id is a ConnectyCube user id. email can be anything. id or email is requiredArray of objects'{"id": 5243, "email": ""}'
chatNoWhether a chat dialog should be created along with a meetingBooleantrue
recordNoWhether a meeting should be recordedBooleanfalse
publicNoIf public is true any user can retrieve this meeting by idBooleantrue
scheduledNoCan be use as filterBooleantrue
notifyNoSend notification after meeting is createdBooleantrue
notify_beforeNoTiming before meeting start to send notificationObject'{"metric": "minutes", "value": 10}'
timezoneNoMeeting timezone settingsObject'{"offset": 120, "name": "Europe/Riga"}'
notify_before parameter object
ParameterDate typeDescription
metricstring (enum)'minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'weeks'
valueint'minutes' range [0 - 55], 'hours' range [1 - 24], 'days' range [1 - 30], 'weeks' range [1 - 4]
timezone parameter object
ParameterDate typeDescription
offsetintMinutes UTC offset
namestringTimezone Name
Request example
Terminal window
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "CB-Token: <TOKEN>" \
-d '{"name": "Friday weekly sync", "start_date": 1613729948, "end_date": 1613731012, "attendees": [{"id": 245,"email": ""}, {"id": 343}, {"email": ""}], "record": false, "chat": true, "notify": true, "notify_before": {"metric": "minutes", "value": 10}, "timezone": {"offset": 120, "name": "Europe/Riga"} }' \
"_id": "602f926aaa81493ce4c5788e",
"name": "Friday weekly sync",
"start_date": 1613729948,
"end_date": 1613731012,
"attendees": [
"id": 245,
"email": ""
"id": 343
"email": ""
"record": false,
"chat_dialog_id": "602f9ea20740a24ec238d9da",
"created_at": "2021-02-19T10:26:50.013Z",
"updated_at": "2021-02-19T10:26:50.013Z",
"host_id": 811,
"scheduled": false,
"notify": true,
"notify_before": { "metric": "minutes", "value": 10 },
"timezone": { "offset": 120, "name": "Europe/Riga" }

Retrieve meetings

ParameterData typesDescription
_idstring (ObjectId)Specify to retrieve a specific meeting by id
limitnumberSetting of limit for a number of results to display. Default - 100
offsetnumberSkip the defined number of records in the results
start_datenumber (timestamp in seconds)Filter by start_date field
end_datenumber (timestamp in seconds)Filter by end_date field
updated_atstring (date)Filter by updated_at field
created_atstring (date)Filter by created_at field
scheduledbooleanFilter by scheduled field

Without _id parameter specified, a user will retrieve meetings in which a current user is host or attendee.

Request example
Terminal window
curl -X GET \
-H "CB-Token: <TOKEN>" \
-d 'start_date[gte]=1613729948&scheduled=true&created_at[gt]=2021-02-19T10:26:49.013Z' \
"_id": "602f926aaa81493ce4c5788e",
"name": "Friday weekly sync",
"start_date": 1613729948,
"end_date": 1613731012,
"attendees": [
"id": 245,
"email": ""
"id": 343
"email": ""
"record": null,
"chat_dialog_id": null,
"created_at": "2021-02-19T10:26:50.013Z",
"updated_at": "2021-02-19T10:26:50.013Z",
"host_id": 811,
"scheduled": false,
"notify": true,
"notify_before": { "metric": "minutes", "value": 10 },
"timezone": { "offset": 120, "name": "Europe/Riga" }

Update meeting

A request to update meeting’s parameters. Only meeting creator (host) can update a meeting.

ParameterRequiredDescriptionData typeValue example
nameYesMeeting nameString”New meeting name”
start_dateYesDate when meeting startsTimestamp1613429948
end_dateYesDate when meeting endsTimestamp1613329948
attendeesYesArray of meeting participants. id is a ConnectyCube user id. email can be anything. id or email is requiredArray of objects'{"id": 4123, "email": ""}'
recordNoUpdate from false to true start recording, from true to false stop recordingBooleantrue
publicNoIf public is true any user can retrieve this meeting by idBooleantrue
scheduledNoCan be use as filterBooleantrue
notifyNoSend notification after meeting is createdBooleantrue
notify_beforeNoTiming before meeting start to send notificationObject'{"metric": "hours", "value": 1}'
timezoneNoMeeting timezone settingsObject'{"offset": -300, "name": "America/New_York"}'
Request example
Terminal window
curl -X PUT \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "CB-Token: <TOKEN>" \
-d '{"name": "Another meeting name", "start_date": 1613959948, "end_date": 1613956048, "attendees": [{"id": 1445,"email": ""}, {"id": 3456 "email": ""}], "record":true, "chat":true, "public": true, "scheduled": true, "notify_before": { "metric": "hours", "value": 1 }, "timezone": { "offset": -300, "name": "America/New_York" } }' \
"_id": "602f926aaa81493ce4c5788e",
"name": "Another meeting name",
"start_date": 1613959948,
"end_date": 1613956048,
"attendees": [
"id": 1445,
"email": ""
"id": 3456
"email": ""
"record": true,
"chat_dialog_id": null,
"created_at": "2021-02-19T10:26:50.013Z",
"updated_at": "2021-02-19T10:28:50.142Z",
"host_id": 811,
"public": true,
"scheduled": true,
"notify": true,
"notify_before": { "metric": "hours", "value": 1 },
"timezone": { "offset": -300, "name": "America/New_York" }
Meeting notification updating
  • If "notify" was updated from 'false' to 'true', mails will be send to all attendees + host

  • If "start_date" was updated, mails will be sent to all attendees + host

  • If "attendees" was updated, mails will be sent only to added attendees

Delete meeting

Delete a meeting by ID. Only meeting creator (host) can delete a meeting.

Request example
Terminal window
curl -X DELETE \
-H "CB-Token: <TOKEN>" \
200 OK

You can set meeting url template in Admin App settings MEETING URL TEMPLATE where %s will be replaced by meeting _id Meeting Url Template Meeting Email Lik

Meeting recordings

Retrieve meeting records with download url

Recording model

_idRecording identifier
room_idMeeting identifier
participants_idsarray of user ids in recording
participants_countusers count in recording
durationrecording file duration in seconds
sizerecording file size in MB
download_urlurl to download recording file form storage (expired after 1 hour)
created_atrecording created date
updated_atrecording updated date
Request example
Terminal window
curl -X GET \
-H "CB-Token: <TOKEN>" \
"_id": "649061c8d0b83a4a6dc85d0c",
"room_id": "602f926aaa81493ce4c5788e",
"participants_ids": [ 78934, 894946 ],
"updated_at": "2023-06-19T14:10:17Z",
"created_at": "2023-06-19T14:10:16Z",
"download_url": "",
"participants_count": 2,
"duration": 6.062,
"size": 0.34
"_id": "649061c8d0b83a4a6dc85d0d",
"room_id": "602f926aaa81493ce4c5788e",
"participants_ids": [ 32885, 894946 ],
"updated_at": "2023-06-19T14:10:16Z",
"created_at": "2023-06-19T14:10:16Z",
"download_url": "",
"participants_count": 2,
"duration": 8.671,
"size": 0.57

Recording done webhook

You can enable and set webhook endpoint url in Meetings Settings

Meeting Settings

Once recording files are available server will send POST requires on webhook url, payload will be an array of recording files records with details along with a meeting and host user.

NOTE: recording files are not available during meeting, only after meeting is finished

Request payload example
"meeting": {
"_id": "64ba8ab043e599002b5bdbca",
"name": "My meeting",
"start_date": 1689946801,
"end_date": 1689950401,
"attendees": [
{ "id": 6892473, "email": "" },
{ "id": 6892477, "email": "" }
"public": false,
"scheduled": false,
"record": false,
"chat_dialog_id": "64ba8ab043e599002b5bdbc9",
"created_at": "2023-07-21T13:40:00Z",
"updated_at": "2023-07-21T13:40:21Z",
"host_id": 6892473,
"notify": false,
"notify_before": null,
"timezone": null
"hostUser": {
"_id": "64ba8aac43e599002b5bdbc8",
"id": 6892473,
"created_at": "2023-07-21T13:39:56Z",
"updated_at": "2023-07-21T13:40:00Z",
"last_request_at": "2023-07-21T13:40:00Z",
"login": "resourceful-norris-75",
"full_name": "Sam Fisher",
"timezone": null,
"email": "",
"phone": null,
"website": null,
"twitter_id": null,
"external_user_id": null,
"facebook_id": null,
"custom_data": null,
"user_tags": null,
"avatar": null,
"external_id": null,
"is_guest": null
"callRecords": [
"_id": "64ba8abeea1de683a37139fd",
"room_id": "64ba8ab043e599002b5bdbca",
"participants_count": 1,
"participants_ids": [
"file_uid": "619486cc-3cb5-4171-afe0-74c1f1805e9a_64ba8ab043e599002b5bdbca",
"duration": 5.082,
"size": 0.29,
"updated_at": "2023-07-21T13:40:14Z",
"created_at": "2023-07-21T13:40:14Z",
"download_url": ""
"_id": "64ba8acdea1de683a37139fe",
"room_id": "64ba8ab043e599002b5bdbca",
"participants_count": 2,
"participants_ids": [
"file_uid": "5dfdffd3-1ffc-41f5-8d3c-6425df91c4b5_64ba8ab043e599002b5bdbca",
"duration": 8.862,
"size": 0.52,
"updated_at": "2023-07-21T13:40:29Z",
"created_at": "2023-07-21T13:40:29Z",
"download_url": ""