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Address Book

Address Book API provides an interface to work with phone address book, upload it to server and retrieve already registered ConnectyCube users from your address book.

With conjunction of User authentication via phone number you can easily organize a modern state of the art logic in your App where you can easily start chatting with your phone contacts, without adding them manually as friends - the same what you can see in WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger and Viber.

Upload Address Book

First of all you need to upload your Address Book to the backend. It’s a normal practice to do a full upload for the 1st time and then upload diffs on future app logins.

List<CubeContact> contacts = [];
contacts.add(CubeContact("Gordie Kann", "1879108395"));
contacts.add(CubeContact("Wildon Gilleon", "2759108396"));
contacts.add(CubeContact("Gaston Center", "3759108396"));
String uuid = ""; // unique identificator for Addressbook, skip it to use global Addressbook for user
bool force = true; // true - to overwrite Addressbook, false - to update
uploadAddressBook(contacts, force, uuid)
.then((addressBookResult) {})
.catchError((error) {});
  • You also can edit an existing contact by providing a new name for it.

  • You also can upload more contacts, not just all in one request - they will be added to your address book on the backend. If you want to override the whole address book on the backend - just provide force = true option.

  • You also can remove a contact by setting destroy: true.

  • A device UDID is used in cases where user has 2 or more devices and contacts sync is off. Otherwise - user has a single global address book.

Retrieve Address Book

If you want you can retrieve your uploaded address book:

String uuid = ""; // unique identificator for Addressbook, skip it to use global Addressbook for user
.then((contactsList) {})
.catchError((error) {});

Retrieve Registered Users

Using this request you can easily retrieve the ConnectyCube users - you phone Address Book contacts that already
registered in your app, so you can start communicate with these users right away:

bool compact = true; // true - server will return only id, phone and addressBookName fields of User. Otherwise - all User's fields will be returned.
String uuid = ""; // unique identificator for Addressbook, skip it to use global Addressbook for user
getRegisteredUsersFromAddressBook(compact, uuid)
.then((usersList) {})
.catchError((error) {});

Push notification on new contact joined

There is a way to get a push notification when some contact from your Address Book registered in an app.

You can enable this feature at ConnectyCube Dashboard, Users module, Settings tab:

Setup push notification on new contact joined