Flutter Getting Started
ConnectyCube Flutter SDK is a development kit that enables an easy and fast integration of chat, voice & video calling, user authorization, file attachments, push notifications and many other into client apps. No server side implementation required. You fully concentrate on your mobile app development.
If you are looking to build a newly app, we recommend you build a client app on top of our code samples apps. If you already have an app and you are looking to add chat and voice & video calling to it, proceed with this guide. This guide walks you through installing the ConnectyCube SDK in your app, configure it and then sending your first message or initiate a first call.
ConnectyCube Flutter SDK can be used on the following OS and platforms:
- Android
- iOS
- Web
- macOS
- Windows
- Linux
Before you start
Before initializing ConnectyCube SDK, you need to create a ConnectyCube application on ConnectyCube Dashboard:
- Register an account at https://connectycube.com/signup. If you already have a ConnectyCube account, sign into your account.
- Create a new application and obtain credentials (Application ID, Auth Key, Auth Secret).
Get started
To use chat and calling in a client app, you should install, import and configure ConnectyCube SDK.
Install SDK
Install package from the command line:
Import SDK
Add the following import statement to start using all classes and methods.
Initialize SDK
Initialize the SDK with your ConnectyCube application credentials. You can access your application credentials in ConnectyCube Dashboard:
Configure SDK
An additional configs can be passed via CubeSettings
Integrate chat and voice/video calling features
Follow the API guides on how to integrate chat and calling features into your app: