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Android Getting Started

ConnectyCube helps you implement real-time chat, video chat, push notifications and user authorization to any app with ease - no server side implementation required. You can concentrate fully on your mobile app development. Our Android SDK provides you with many helpful methods to build the chat and video chat from the client side.

This page provides a quick overview of the SDK’s functionalities and logic, then let you go through the easy steps of implementing ConnectyCube in your own app.

ConnectyCube Android SDK can be used with the following languages and platforms:

  • Android (phone/tablet) Java
  • Android (phone/tablet) Kotlin

Minimum Android version supported is Android 4.3.

Create ConnectyCube app

Register a FREE ConnectyCube account at, then create your 1st app and obtain an app credentials. These credentials will be used to identify your app.

All users within the same ConnectyCube app can communicate by chat or video chat with each other, across all platforms - iOS, Android, Web, etc.

When building a new app

If you are just starting your app and developing it from scratch, we recommend to use our Code Samples projects.

Download Code Samples

These code samples are ready-to-go apps with an appropriate functionality and simple enough that even novice developers will be able to understand them.

When integrating SDK into existing app

If you already have an app, do the following for integration.

Connect SDK

To get the ConnectyCube SDK project running you will need Android Studio and Maven installed.

The repository contains binary distributions of ConnectyCube Android SDK and an instruction how to connect SDK to your project. Check it out.

Include reference to sdk repository in your build.gradle file at the app level (top level):

repositories {
maven {
url ""

Then include dependencies to particular sdk-modules in build.gradle project file:

dependencies {
implementation "com.connectycube.sdk:connectycube-android:2.0.0-beta05"


Initialize framework with your ConnectyCube application credentials:

ConnectyCubeAndroid.init(APP_ID, AUTH_KEY, AUTH_SECRET, context = applicationContext)

You can access your application credentials in ConnectyCube Dashboard.


An additional set of configs can be configured via ConnectycubeSettings class:

val connectycubeConfig: ConnectycubeConfig = ConnectycubeConfig("", "your_chat_endpoint")
ConnectyCubeAndroid.init(applicationId, authKey, authSecret, connectycubeConfig, context = applicationContext)

Now integrate messaging & calling capabilities

Follow the API guides on how to integrate chat and calling features into your app:

SDK Changelog

The complete SDK changelog is available on ConnectyCube Android GitHub page